Once you discover the ideal solution for your helicopter's storage and security, you can focus on what's important -- flying and enjoying your helicopter.
A self-contained and portable helicopter storage solution means:
• You have complete control over who has access to your helicopter because it's stored in a fully enclosed "clam shell," out of the way of other people and environmental risks.
• Your investment is protected in the location of your choice and you saved the time and expense of constructing a shed or barn.
• You don't have to worry about exposure to adverse external influences, such as passersby and environmental conditions.
• You no longer have the expense and inconvenience of renting public hangar space.
Once you own a sHeli-Port™, have fun with it. You can paint the exterior shell to match your home or the surrounding environment. You can have it vinyl wrapped, like a bus, with graphics of your choice. The area around the sHeli-Port can be landscaped to create a unique setting.
To obtain sales information, please contact us at info@sheli-port.com.